
Tehama County Traffic Violation Lawyer

在加州,每天都有无数人面临交通违规, 这就是为什么在很多情况下, 他们不会考虑聘请特哈马县的交通违章律师来帮助他们争取罚单. 然而, 这是一个错误, as traffic violations can warrant 驾照上的分数, cause your insurance premiums to spike, 和 even have your driver’s license suspended. 而很明显, these consequences can affect a person for months, 甚至是几年, which is why if you are currently facing a traffic violation, your best option is to hire a k现在ledgeable attorney as soon as possible. 科恩刑事法律事务所的欧博平台注册律师处理交通违规案件已有30多年的经验, 而且他也准备尽他所能来对抗你的指控. 联系 我们公司今天将安排您的初步咨询,以便我们可以分析您案件的各个方面并确定最佳的前进道路.

Do I Need a Tehama County Traffic Violation Lawyer?

收到交通罚单后,尽快采取行动是至关重要的. 我们的特哈马县交通违法律师有多年的法律经验,代表国家处理与交通有关的违法行为. 现在,他致力于帮助整个加利福尼亚州的个人对抗驾照扣分带来的严重后果, 和 he is ready to put that experience to work for you as well. All you have to do is give our firm a call.

Consequences of Speeding Tickets in California

在加州有两种主要的超速处罚:一种是司机在时速低于100英里时超速, 和 those where drivers are caught speeding while traveling over 100 mph.

  • 罚款及罚款评定
  • 1 Negligent Operator Point on your DMV driving record
  • Substantially increased insurance premiums

话虽如此, the potential consequences of traveling over 100 mph are far more serious, 它们是:

  • Greater fines 和 penalty assessments
  • 30-day driver’s license suspension
  • 2 Negligent Operator Points on your DMV driving record
  • Greatly increased insurance premiums


Keep in mind that each time you are found guilty of speeding, you will most likely accumulate at least one point on your license, 和 if you accumulate enough points within a one-, 2 -, 或三年期限, you risk having your license suspended, which can drastically affect your ability to commute to your job, 学校, or even visit friends 和 family.

Consequences of Cell 电话 Violations in California

在过去,加州的手机违规行为只会受到相对较小的处罚. 在大多数情况下, you would face a $20 base fine for a first offense, 和 a $50 base fine for subsequent offenses. 尽管你很可能要在这些基本罚款的基础上支付额外的法庭评估, you would not receive a negligent operator point against your license.

然而, with a recent change in the law which took effect July 1, 2021, 现在, if you are convicted of a cell phone violation, 如果你在之前的36个月内有过手机违规行为,你的驾照将会被扣1分.

大家都知道, negligent operator points assessed against your license can add up, resulting in higher insurance premiums, 和, 最终, 可能被吊销执照.

Consequences of Reckless Driving in California

加州法律基本上将鲁莽驾驶定义为故意或肆意无视人身和财产安全的机动车辆. 鲁莽驾驶是一项非常严重的指控,尤其是与其他交通违规行为相比. 例如, if you are found guilty of a st和ard reckless driving charge, even if it is only your first offense, you will most likely face a misdemeanor conviction, 哪一个值得一美元,罚款000, 最高90天监禁, 驾照扣两分, 和 a potential six-month license suspension.

另外, if you face a reckless driving with injuries charge, meaning you injured another person as a result of reckless driving, 你还将面临轻罪, which may warrant up to six months in jail, a $1,罚款000, 驾照上的分数, 和 a potential six-month license suspension. 很明显,这些都是非常严重的指控,所以你不能独自面对. Our Tehama County traffic violation lawyer is here to help.

Consequences of Driving Without a License in California

If you are charged with driving without a license in California, a first offense will most likely warrant an infraction, 这可能会带来250美元的罚款. 话虽如此, 以后再犯, you may receive a misdemeanor charge, 哪一个能保证1美元,罚款000 和 up to six months in county jail. 另外, if you are charged with driving with a suspended or a revoked license, 即使是初犯, you will be faced with up to a six-month jail sentence 和 a potential $1,罚款000.

Helping Commercial And Professional Drivers Stay On The Road

对卡车司机和其他商业司机:欧博平台注册尊重你们在路上和路上所做的工作. 这项工作漫长而艰苦,每个人都从中受益,因为你的送货服务为餐桌提供了食物,你的其他驾驶服务为生活提供了必需品. Oftentimes it is also a thankless job – 和 it comes with many risks, including receiving traffic tickets. 欧博平台注册, 你会找到一个律师,他很自豪能够为你的驾驶记录和驾驶特权辩护.

If you are a commercial driver 和 are cited for traffic violations, you are smart to fight them every time, even if you believe they are minor. Mr. 科恩帮助职业司机在收到交通罚单后避免被扣分. 他已经准备好采取积极的行动,同时为你的罚单而战,保护你的商业驾照(CDL)。.

Representing Local And Out-Of-State Truck Drivers

Mr. 科恩在沙斯塔县和特哈马县的丰富经验可能是你在这个地区被罚款后的一笔资产, 无论你住在哪里. He primarily h和les commercial traffic violation cases in this area. 每个星期, 他和可能在当地交通法庭处理你的案件的法官以及可能给你开罚单的执法人员一起工作. He is familiar with their ways of operating; he speaks their language 和 k现在s what it takes to get results.

因为加州加入了州际驾照契约(DLC), 其他州的交通罚单是在加州报告的,反之亦然. 任何地方的交通违规都可能影响加州人的驾驶特权. 出于这个原因. 科恩是州内和州外商业司机亲自倡导的宝贵资源. 他会为你的CDL罚单而战,还会帮你保住你的商业驾照.

Protect Your Driving Record, Commercial Driver’s License And Livelihood

卡车司机和其他专业司机如果想保住他们的商业驾照,就必须达到比普通司机更高的标准. 当你收到交通罚单时,无论你是开着你的专业车辆上班,还是在你自己的时间开着你的私家车或卡车, a guilty plea may put your driving status at risk.

You may also incur penalties 和 suffer repercussions such as fines, points 和 increased insurance rates from your CDL ticket. 如果你的超速或鲁莽驾驶罚单最终被判有罪, 你可能会失去现在的工作, 以及考虑未来的驾驶工作——包括作为Uber或Lyft等公司的独立承包商驾驶.

先生联系. 如果你是一名商业司机(持证司机),并且收到了以下任何一份罚单,请向Cohen咨询:

  • 超速罚单
  • 任何类型的交通罚单
  • A ticket because your truck’s load was over the legal weight limit
  • 不安全的加载冲突
  • A citation for driving over the legal hour limit (a logbook violation)

不管你开的是半挂车还是短尾车,都没有什么区别, or are pulling a trailer or fifth wheel with a pickup truck. Mr. Cohen is experienced, aggressive 和 ready to help. He cannot promise a specific result, 但他保证会勤奋地运用自己的技能,为你争取最好的结果. 他准备通过对所有证据和文件的详细审查来与你的交通罚单作斗争, including radar/lidar calibration records 和 officer notes. 他会努力争取你想要的最重要的结果:不给你的记录加分.

联系 Our Tehama County Traffic Violation Lawyer

If you’ve been caught violating any of California’s traffic laws, 重要的是,你要聘请一位知识渊博的律师,他可以帮助你撤销指控,或者减轻指控的后果. 欧博平台注册了解加州法院系统的来龙去脉, 和 our firm is here to help you in any way we can. 联系 our firm today to learn more about what we can do for you.
